SEETF 2022 – Sniffed Traffic

This is a small write-up of the “Sniffed Traffic” challenge from SEECTF 2022 (Forensics Category).

Description :

Author: Enyei
We inspected our logs and found someone downloading a file from a machine within the same network.
Can you help find out what the contents of the file are?
For beginners:
MD5: 71cd3bdbecece8d7919b586959f2d3b7

Solution :

Once the capture file opened with Wireshark, we can start filtering the packets because we know from the description that the source and the destination IP are on the local network :
ip.src == and ip.dst ==
We now have “only” 158 packets to inspect :

Filtered Traffic

Let’s scroll a but through the packets and we’ll find that packet 3838 is a HTTP GET request, replied by packet 3844 :

Interesting Request

Select packet 3838 and go to “Analyze” -> “Follow” -> “TCP Stream” (or Ctrl+Alt+Shit+t) to view the conversation between the 2 hosts. We notice that the answer from the HTTP server ( is a ZIP file (“PK” in the header).

Conversation between client ( and server (

To save the content of the server reply, double click on the packet 3844 in the main window of Wireshark, right click on the “Media type: application/zip (3427 bytes)” line and “Copy” -> “… as raw binary”

Open any hex editor (I use Okteta) and paste the content of the file into a new file, then save it as “” (it’s the original name of the file).

Now if we try to open ““, we notice it contains 1 file called “stuff” but the ZIP file is password protected.

To find the password, we need to continue inspecting the capture file in Wireshark. In the previously opened TCP conversation window, we switch to the conversation #32 and discover a clear-text discussion containing the password of the ZIP file (49949ec89a41ed9bdd18c4ce74f37ae4) :

We can now extract the “stuff” file from ““. We can check it with the file command, but it’s unknown file type. Next we can check it with the foremost command to see if it contains known file types anywhere in the file. We notice that a small ZIP file is detected :

Extract ZIP file from stuff with foremost

To crack the password of this ZIP, we’ll use John The Ripper (install with sudo snap install john-the-ripper if you don’t have it).
First create the hash file with : john-the-ripper.zip2john > 00000001.hashes
Then brute-force the hash with : john-the-ripper 00000001.hashes

After a few seconds the password of the zip file appears : “john

Brute-force the ZIP password with john

We can now extract “flag.txt” and get the flag :

Get the flag

The flag we are looking for is then : SEE{w1r35haRk_d0dod0_4c87be4cd5e37eb1e9a676e110fe59e3}

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